This is a collection of all the styles that I offer for my commissions!

Kodomes's Style

This is a semi-realistic style that often varies in form.
The turnaround time (TAT) is usually 1-3 days, but depending on quality and character components, can reach to a maximum month.
Although female characters are best represented in this style, I can also draw men! (>U<)

SKETCH- $7 BUST (1k rbx)- $10 HALF (1.5k rbx)- $15 FULL (2.8k rbx)

COLORED SKETCH- $10 BUST (1.5k rbx)- $15 HALF (2.8k rbx)- $20 FULL (3.6k rbx)

FLAT- $15 BUST (2.8k rbx)- $20 HALF (3.6k rbx)- $30 FULL (8.8k rbx)

RENDER- $ 20 BUST (3.6k rbx)- $ 25 HALF (5.8k rbx)- $ 40 FULL (15k rbx)

FULL RENDER- $ 25 BUST (5.8k rbx)- $ 40 HALF (15k rbx)- $ 60 FULL (28k rbx)

Bubbly Anime Style

This style is a messy anime subver, which prioritizes the characters hair and eyes.
The turnaround time (TAT) is normally around a week, and can expand to about a month.

SKETCH- $5 BUST (900 rbx)- $8 HALF (1.2k rbx)- $10 FULL (1.5k rbx)

RENDER- $20 BUST (3.6k rbx)- $25 HALF (5.8k rbx)- $40 FULL (15k rbx)

Airbrush Anime Style

This art style is a simple sketch overlayed with color.
The turnaround time (TAT) is usually within a day, but can expand to around a week.

- $2 BUST (300 rbx)
- $5 HALF (900 rbx)- $7 FULL (1k rbx)

- $5 BUST (900 rbx)
- $7 HALF (1k rbx)- $10 FULL (1.5k rbx)

- $15 BUST (2.8k rbx)
- $24 HALF (5.6k rbx)- $45 FULL (18k rbx)

Recreational Service

This style is not bounded. The recreational service is simply that, I recreate different styles!I can usually recreate ANY style preferred, and can do so with a reference image, as well as the artists socials and preferred permission! (Although will strictly be the customers responsibility)If an artist requests I do not copy their work, I will comply fully.Due to the difficultly in managing prices for limitless styles, no set price can be determined. Recreational Services can usually can from a $5 fee to a $20 fee. (Prices can appear higher depending on style!)
Roblox prices unavailable.


This style is the cheapest art I offer, (aside from free art lol).
Despite being called a "style," there is actually no set style, as there are multiple! If you want a specific one, its best to send me a screenshot of it :)
The turnaround time (TAT) is usually within a day, but can also be around a week.
The art is normally preformed with a numbered-transparent marker, but can be requested otherwise^^

- $2 HALF (300 rbx)
- $5 FULL (900 rbx)

- $1 HALF (200 rbx)
- $2 FULL (300 rbx)


A Very cutesy style which had minimal to no shading!
No, I do not offer actual stickers of this art-you are free to turn them into so with permission though^^
The turnaround time (TAT) is normally within a day.

NORMAL: $5 (900 rbx)SHEET: $10 (1.5k rbx)

Traditional Anime Doodles

Likewise to the title, this style is drawn traditionally! (pen and paper).These are offered ONLY as a BUST/HALFThe turnaround time (TAT) is normally within a day.

- $3 BUST (500 rbx)- $5 HALF (900 rbx)

Chibi Style

This style is a bit hard to pinpoint,, as I usually change up this style a bunch..!Fundamentally though, it is an anime subver.The turnaround time (TAT) is usually 1-3 days, but may expand to a week.

Stylized Anime Style

This is a colorful chibi-style which has a special retro color pallet!
The turnaround time (TAT) is usually 1-3 days, but may exceed a week.

- $2 HALF (300 rbx)
- $5 FULL (900 rbx)

- $5 HALF (900 rbx)
- $10 FULL (1.5k rbx)

Marker Doodles

A specific, more advanced version of the regular doodles!These are usually drawn with a certain tool, and are often more neater^^The turnaround time (TAT) is within a day.
This style is ONLY offered as full-color.

- $3 BUST (500 rbx)
- $5 HALF (900 rbx)- $7 FULL (1k rbx)

- $5 BUST (500 rbx)
- $10 HALF (1.5k rbx)- $15 FULL (2.8k rbx)

Free Doodles

First and foremost, only the most recent set of doodles may be requested.To explain what this means, I basically open my free doodles strictly on certain styles, (: Only the most recent entry style is available)
Whichever is the first gallery below this would be the most recent and can still be requested for free!
The doodles below the first gallery are no longer free, but can be requested with a price.

(CURRENT) Entry of November 2024

Entry of June 2024

Entry of March 2024

Entry of January 2024

Entry of December 30th 2023

Entry of December 2023

Entry of October 26th 2023

Entry of October 7th-16th 2023

Entry of July 13th-18th 2023

Entry of July 1st 2023

Doodle Emotes

A super cute messy doodle that resembles emotes!
These usually come in packs of three like the example.
They ONLY come in BUST format, although can be full body (but wont be an emote anymore tho haha)
Turnaround time (TAT) is usually within a day, but can also be around 1-3 days.

NORMAL- $5 PACK (1k rbx)FULLBODY (1)- $5 (900 rbx)

MSPaint Doodles

Just as the title, these doodles are drawn in Microsoft Paint!Can vary in style, though its all drawn in ms paint of course (lol)
Turnaround time (TAT) Is within a week

ALL- $2 PER DOODLE (300 rbx)

Anime Sheets

This is an anime subver which is only available in this cutesy sheet form!This style is ONLY available in full color and within these sheets.The turnaround time (TAT) is around 1-3 days, but can exceed around a week.

SHEET - $15 (3k rbx)

Hybrid Chibi Style

AS the title suggests.. This style is an anime subver that also combines with my semi-realism technique of coloring!
Although its supposed to be cute, it mayy look a bit alien to some...
The turnaround time (TAT) is within a week

RENDER- $10 BUST (1.5k rbx)- $15 HALF (3k rbx)- $25 FULL (5.8k rbx)

Simple GIFS

These are just two-framed, and vary from little doodles to more advanced illustrations!
The turnaround time (TAT) is within a day to around a week.

SIMPLE - $5 (900 rbx)ADVANCED - $10/15 (3k rbx)

Rough Anime

This style is an anime subver and is made using only one tool! (wow!!)The main part of this style is the big eyes.Turnaround time (TAT) is within a day, but can exceed a week.

SKETCH- $5 BUST (900 rbx)- $8 HALF (1.2k rbx)- $10 FULL (1.5k rbx)

COLORED- $10 BUST (1.5k rbx)- $15 HALF (2.8k rbx)- $20 FULL (3.6k rbx)

Silly Styless

These are not specifically connected by style, but by their subject!Usually drawn using oil paints and such.Turnaround time (TAT) is normally within a week.

RENDER- $10 BUST (1.5k rbx)- $15 HALF (2.8k rbx)- $25 FULL (5.8k rbx)

Messy Anime

As the title says, this style does not have line-art and is very messy.
This style is better with unique eyes!
The turnaround time (TAT) is normally 1-3 days and may exceed a week.

RENDER- $10 BUST (1.5k rbx)- $15 HALF (2.8k rbx)- $28 FULL (6k rbx)

Kodomes's Anime

This style is my personal anime style! It is both neat and messy.
The turnaround time (TAT) is normally 1-2 weeks, and may even exceed a month.

LINEART- $10 BUST (1.5k rbx)- $22 HALF (4k rbx)- $30 FULL (8.8k rbx)

COLOR- $25 BUST (5.8k rbx)- $60 HALF (28k rbx)- $124 FULL (60k rbx)